About Us
Hong Kong Office was found in 2017 to help students from Hong Kong to study in US.
We focus in institutions for STEM education
Our consultants are graduates from US universities and is experienced in counseling students on their pathway to success.
With college network and close working relationships with East coast instututions in the US, we specialize in helping students get into a US high schools and STEM college. We exhibits at major education fairs and expos regularly.
Due to pandemic situation, all physical recruitment activities stopped and we started to host virtual events for student recruitment. With our virtual event platform on hand, we had conducted a live webinar for Queensland Government in June and another virtual event in October (Virtual Fair of Jockey Club Post-diagnostic Support in Dementia Care Programme) with live streaming for Jockey Club Centre for Positive Aging. We evolved from a recruitment agency to virtual event technical organizer within this year and developed our own virtual event platform capable of hosting and streaming live events.